More organic farmers, less pesticides

More organic farmers, less pesticides

Opinion article by Prof. em. Jan Stel co-chair of the European Grandparents for Climate I am against heavily subsidized, industrialized agriculture, which is polluting our food chain and life. I think we need more organic farmers who work without pesticides. On...
“Use your vote” says the European Parliament

“Use your vote” says the European Parliament

We say: Use your vote for the climate By Hugo Swinnen 2024 will be a year of transition in European Policy. All close observers of EU policy developments dedicate their recent Newsletters to the following political questions: What brings the transition from the...
Grandparents for future Austria encourage the Members of Parliament

Grandparents for future Austria encourage the Members of Parliament

By Godela Von Kirchbach The Austrian Grandparents for Future gave symbolic encouragement to the 183 Members of Parliament to handle the hot stuff of climate protection by presenting each of them with a self-crocheted pot holder. Before handing them over to the MPs...