We want action now

Who we are

The European Grandparents for Climate association is a European umbrella organization of national, regional and local organizations of grandparents and seniors engaged in the fight against climate change. We are self-organized, politically independent and connected to many other pro-climate organizations in our home countries.

What drives us

We are seriously worried about the world we are leaving to future generations. We understand that solving the effects of our man-made climate crisis needs an international and multilevel effort, and we realize that social and intergenerational climate justice are crucial aspects in this transition process. The urgency of the situations calls for strong civil engagement.

Our aims are

We, Grandparents for the Climate, strive for full implementation of the European Green Deal. We believe that this major investment in our green transition, with the ultimate goal of climate neutrality by 2050 in the future of the Europeans to be, will allow for sustainable and just future. For the next legislative period of the European Parliament, we want to see the implementation of a renewed Green Deal.

We will

Hold governments, politicians, decision makers and industrial leaders, both in the EU and in our home countries, to their word to implement the Paris Agreement and the Green Deal. We cooperate with environmental movements in our home countries in order to communicate the urgency of acting now and to initiate new projects tailored to the local situation and local needs. We exchange information on climate change insights and successful national or local projects. And we create motivation for change by showing concrete possibilities for engagement and thus increasing hope and solidarity in our societies.


Godela Von Kirchbach (AT), Co-chair

Eva Riemer (DK), Co-chair

Axel Vande Veegaete (B), Secretary

Philip Beekman (NL), Treasurer

Isabelle Jörg (CH), Member


Full Members
see also more detailed description of members organizations on the members page

Grandparents for Future, Austria
Grands-Parents pour le Climat, Belgium
Grootouders voor het Klimaat, Belgium
Bedsteforældrenes Klimaaktion, Denmark
Ilmasto Isovanhemmat, Finland
Aktivistimummot (Activist Grannies), Finland
Grands-Parents pour le Climat, France
Omas for Future, Germany
Grootouders voor het Klimaat, Netherlands
Besteforeldrenes klimaaksjon, Norway
Grands-Parents pour Climat/Klima-Grosseltern, Switzerland
Klima Seniorinnen, Switzerland

Extraordinary members

Grandparents for Climate, United Kingdom