By Eva Riemer On Thursday 25 April, Danish Grandparents for Climate paraded their walkers and wheelchairs down the longest central pedestrian street, Strøget, in Copenhagen. The walkers were adorned with ivy and climate slogans, and the grandparents distributed...
By Graham Keen, member of the EGC working group on Communication Looking for positive news about climate change, I came across a podcast series of the BBC about ways people are make a difference: People Fixing the World. Regularly these podcasts are about initiatives...
By Larry French, Grands-parents pour le Climat Suisse Ever more organizations of seniors or grandparents for climate regularly manifest in front of their national or regional parliament. We received this message from the Swiss Grandparents for Climate: Each Tuesday...
By Graham Keen In February 2024 the Grandparents for Climate in French-speaking Belgium (GPC – Grands Parents pour le Climat) published their Newsletter in a revised format, intended to make it more attractive and easier reading. At that occasion, we picked and...
Limburg, the easternmost province of Flanders, is the cradle of our traveling climate exhibition: Leven op aarde redden nu het nog kan (Saving life on earth while we still can). The project was carried out in close co-operation with the United Nations Regional...
Game playing can lead to lasting behaviour changes. That is the conclusion of a recent PhD study by Jan Dirk Fijnheer at Utrecht University (NL). Fijnheer’s research is based on the Powersaver Game: an online game that challenges households to reduce their energy...