Our first common action as European Grandparents for Climate took place on May 31. We blew whistles at noon in front of national parliaments and in other public places as a wake-up call for the European Elections.

Look also at our latest News items for our Elections Campaign

Wake-up call action was a success in many European cities today

Wake-up call action was a success in many European cities today

In Stockholm, Grandparents for Climate walked from the prime Ministers residenceto the Parliament. Finnish Climate Grandparents and Activist Grannies madetheir wake up call at the steps of the Parliament in Helsinki at the end oftheir weekly Friday demonstration. In...
EU-2024 elections campaign: vote4future.eu

EU-2024 elections campaign: vote4future.eu

Nr. 3. Sunday 26 May Five days before the whistle blow action, we can announce that it will take place in Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Brussels, Munich, Bern, Vienna and perhaps others will join. With this action Grandparents and Seniors for Climate...