Our first common action as European Grandparents for Climate took place on May 31. We blew whistles at noon in front of national parliaments and in other public places as a wake-up call for the European Elections.

Look also at our latest News items for our Elections Campaign

MEP in dialogue with Danish Grandparents

MEP in dialogue with Danish Grandparents

By Eva Riemer Every Thursday morning at 8:30, “The Climate Reminder” greets Danish parliament members on their way to political committee meetings. This Thursday, the group was joined by a member of the European parliament.  On Thursday 22 February, MEP Niels...
Grandparents for future Austria encourage the Members of Parliament

Grandparents for future Austria encourage the Members of Parliament

By Godela Von Kirchbach The Austrian Grandparents for Future gave symbolic encouragement to the 183 Members of Parliament to handle the hot stuff of climate protection by presenting each of them with a self-crocheted pot holder. Before handing them over to the MPs...