A Successful Norwegian campaign

A Successful Norwegian campaign

The Norwegian oil and gas giant Equinor has been under considerable pressure throughout 2022 to reconsider its plans to open a new huge oilfield close to the Arctic ice sheet. A unified Norwegian environmental movement, together with several of the youth wings of the...
Climate exhibition in libraries – Belgium

Climate exhibition in libraries – Belgium

Limburg, the easternmost province of Flanders, is the cradle of our traveling climate exhibition: Leven op aarde redden nu het nog kan (Saving life on earth while we still can). The project was carried out in close co-operation with the United Nations Regional...
Join Stop Ecocide International

Join Stop Ecocide International

Proposed action: The Belgian Grandparents pour le Climat invite all fellow activists to join this international campaign. Stop ecocide International argues that unlike suing and fining corporations (who simply budget for this possibility), making ecocide a crime...

Powersaver game

Game playing can lead to lasting behaviour changes. That is the conclusion of a recent PhD study by Jan Dirk Fijnheer at Utrecht University (NL). Fijnheer’s research is based on the Powersaver Game: an online game that challenges households to reduce their energy...

Ban fossil fuel advertising and sponsorships in the EU!

A coalition of non-profit organisations and grass-roots groups (including Greenpeace, WWF, Oxfam, Friends of the Earth Europe) have launched a Ban fossil fuel advertising and sponsorships in the EU! campaign. The aim is to legally prevent the fossil fuel industry and...
European Policy Overview September 2022

European Policy Overview September 2022

With the adoption of the Green Deal and its initiatives on energy transition, the European Union has finally made a real move for a more sustainable future. As is proper, the Green Deal includes basic Social Rights in all its initiatives. The current energy crisis may...