After a series of virtual meetings during the last two years, the partners in this European network felt the need for a meeting in person. The two grandparents organizations in Belgium, jointly representing the national level, offered to organize this meeting. It was then decided that this meeting should take place in Brussels in the beginning of COP28. This will give the participants also the opportunity to meet members of the European Parliament and to participate in the Klimaatmars (Climate March) on the 3rd of December.

The EGC is an organization ‘under construction’. It has both a focus on the European level as well as on the national levels through its current partnership of some twenty plus organizations in ten countries. This allows the EGC to draw upon the knowledge and experience of this culturally diverse community in Europe. As a consequence, the aims for the Brussels meeting are to:
- Meet in person during formal and informal discussions, leading to team building and further structuring the organization.
- Be informed about some local climate projects in Antwerp and Brussels by the Grootouders voor het Klimaat and the Grands-Parents pour le Climat.
- Organize a better and timely understanding of de European Parliament agenda (key issues, key points, key actions, etc.) to be able to formalize a common position and develop or coordinate joint EGC actions at the European level.