Grandparents for future Austria encourage the Members of Parliament

Grandparents for future Austria encourage the Members of Parliament

By Godela Von Kirchbach The Austrian Grandparents for Future gave symbolic encouragement to the 183 Members of Parliament to handle the hot stuff of climate protection by presenting each of them with a self-crocheted pot holder. Before handing them over to the MPs...
European grandparents will mobilize voters for the climate

European grandparents will mobilize voters for the climate

Photo: European Grandparents for Climate meet MEP’s at the European Parliament in Brussels – 30-11-2023. By Eva Riemer Predictions of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) thinktank see the European Parliament moving toward the right following...
The story of fossil fuels at COP28

The story of fossil fuels at COP28

by Graham Keen (Grands-Parents pour le Climat – Belgique) 13.12.23 – Landmark summit takes direct aim at fossil fuels Nations at the UN climate summit have for the first time taken explicit aim at the use of fossil fuels. The talks in Dubai came close to...
Electric bikes cut demand for oil far more than electric cars

Electric bikes cut demand for oil far more than electric cars

We hop in the car to get groceries or drop kids at school. But while the car is convenient, these short trips add up in terms of emissions, pollution, and petrol cost. So what’s the best solution? You might think switching to an electric vehicle is the...
Omas for Future Germany cheers: Appointment to the Club of Rome Board

Omas for Future Germany cheers: Appointment to the Club of Rome Board

Physicist Dr. Harry Lehmann becomes a new member of the international organization. What an honour! Dr. Harry Lehmann, co-founder and chairman of Omas for Future, is now a new member of the Club of Rome. As a physicist and systems analyst, he joins this prestigious...
European Policy Overview September 2023

European Policy Overview September 2023

An important event took place in Brussels: The European Sustainable Energy Week. Against the backdrop of an ever-growing community, the 17th edition of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2023 took place on 20-22 June. Under the theme of ‘Accelerating the...