A climate magazine for waiting rooms in Germany

A climate magazine for waiting rooms in Germany

Stop waiting! The climate magazine for all those waiting. People often don’t find the time in their daily lives to tackle the climate crisis. Often they don’t even know where to start. The issue can seem vast and complex. With our waiting room magazine, we...
European Policy Overview May 2023

European Policy Overview May 2023

Ostend Declaration Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and the UK signed the Ostend Declaration at a North Sea Summit on the Belgian coast on 24 April, pledging to increase their offshore wind capacity to 300GW by 2050. It...
Bumper sticker campaign in Belgium

Bumper sticker campaign in Belgium

The image here is a copy of the bumper sticker of Grandparents for Climate Belgium (French speaking) for its new campaign in favour of lower speed limits on highways.
European Policy Overview May 2023

European Policy Overview January 2023

At the very end of 2022, the European Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The objective of CBAM is to prevent that the greenhouse gas emissions reduction efforts of the EU be offset by...
A Successful Norwegian campaign

A Successful Norwegian campaign

The Norwegian oil and gas giant Equinor has been under considerable pressure throughout 2022 to reconsider its plans to open a new huge oilfield close to the Arctic ice sheet. A unified Norwegian environmental movement, together with several of the youth wings of the...