Compiled by The Independent, the Climate 100 List of the world’s foremost environmentalists was unveiled on September 25, at an inaugural event during the United Nations Summit of the Future in New York as part of the 15th annual NYC Climate Week.

The editor insists on the fact that the list is not in order of importance, nor does it compare or rank one climate change maker against another. It is published to coincide with Climate Week NYC, where The Independent will also be holding its own Climate 100 event.

“The climate crisis is the defining issue of our age” says The Independent” and about the KlimaSeniorinnen: “Galvanised by the urgency of climate change, the women collectively won a historic case against their government in April after successfully arguing its inaction had put them at particular risk of dying during heatwaves because of their age and gender”.

You will find the Swiss Klimaseniorinnen as nr 5 on the list of The Independent.

The Klimaseniorinnen fight for climate justice and environmental protection as a human right. As European Grandparents for Climate we are of course particularly proud of our Swiss members and we send them our warmest congratulations.