Eva Riemer (DK)
Only few Danish pension funds align their climate voting to Paris-targets, yet overall the Danish pensions are well ahead of most international shareholders. Danish pension funds are generally more supportive of climate votes than the average global investor.
However, large disparities remain between Danish pension funds. 8 out of 15 Danish pension funds are given failing marks in a new survey because they have repeatedly voted no to green proposals at oil and gas companies’ general assemblies during 2023.
The survey, “Their Votes, Our Future” shows a significant mismatch between several pension funds’ public announcements about exercising effective active ownership and their actual support for climate proposals. This lack of ambition on behalf of the climate is reflected in the pension funds’ lack of support for climate-friendly shareholder proposals and in their votes on filling board positions.
In addition to this, many pension funds refrain from holding banks accountable for their climate obligations.
Read the main findings and conclusions of the report here:
Download the full report here:
And how are pension funds in other countries doing?
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