Our first common action as European Grandparents for Climate took place on May 31. We blew whistles at noon in front of national parliaments and in other public places as a wake-up call for the European Elections.

Look also at our latest News items for our Elections Campaign

Europe is the fastest warming continent in the world, and risks related to climate change threaten energy and food security, ecosystems, infrastructure, water resources, financial stability and public health. According to the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) analysis published today, many of these risks are already at critical levels and could be catastrophic if not acted upon swiftly.

“This must be a wake-up call to politicians and decision makers all over Europe”, says Eva Riemer, chair of an European Grandparents for Climate (EGC) working group about the EU parliament elections. “In June, almost 500 million Europeans are going to vote, and they have a right to know how the candidates will tackle this huge challenge”.

During recent months, the EGC working group has been preparing activities prior to the upcoming European Parliament elections. The group’s goal is contained in the motto: ‘Save Green Deal One, Support Green Deal Two.’

“We urge all our member groups  to demand answers from their EP candidates– the health and safety of Europeans is at stake.” says Eva Riemer.

Read the EEA’s first ever Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA) here.