Belgian Grandparents call to sign Ecocide petition

Belgian Grandparents call to sign Ecocide petition

From Myriam Gérard, Grands-Parents pour le Climat, Brussels This petition was launched on the YouMove Europe platform by Stop Ecocide International. We think it may interest you.  We can prevent future environmental disasters right now through new EU rules that...
Wake-up call action was a success in many European cities today

Wake-up call action was a success in many European cities today

In Stockholm, Grandparents for Climate walked from the prime Ministers residenceto the Parliament. Finnish Climate Grandparents and Activist Grannies madetheir wake up call at the steps of the Parliament in Helsinki at the end oftheir weekly Friday demonstration. In...
The European elections – What’s at stake?

The European elections – What’s at stake?

Paper by Prof. Em. Jan Stel, former EGC co-chair, Professor of Ocean Space and Human Activity In this paper, Jan Stel places the European elections in a broader context. He argues that these elections are crucial for the future of the EU and its future generations....
See this webinar video before you vote

See this webinar video before you vote

Bas Eijckhout, leader of the Greens/EFA group at the European Parliament, explains what is at stake for the EU elections at the start of a webinar for the Dutch Grandparents for Climate on May 23. (With English...
Read this before you vote!

Read this before you vote!

“Should the EP introduce the concept of the crime of ecocide into European law?”  “Should the EP make a regulatory pause in the implementation of the Green Deal?” We sent out a questionnaire with these two and five other questions to the...
See this webinar video before you vote

Wake-up call from European Grandparents

On May 31, 2024, between 12.00 and 13.00 o’clock, Grandparents for Climate groups in Europe will be ‘Whistle Blowers’ in front of their respective parliaments and in several major cities. The message will be a call to fellow citizens to “Wake up! Vote for future...