Country update: Climate Alliance Germany and the Green Deal

Country update: Climate Alliance Germany and the Green Deal

Photo: Jörg Farys / Klima-Allianz Deutschland. One of our German members followed online the January 2025 event of the Climate Alliance Germany, where more than 150 participants discussed the future of the European Green Deal. Karin Hummel reports as follows. Summary...
US Supreme Court votes in favor of a law suit against oil companies

US Supreme Court votes in favor of a law suit against oil companies

Good news for all climate friends today. The US Supreme Court has declined to hear a challenge against a law suit by Honolulu against oil companies because of the damage caused to climate by the use of fossile fuels and because of the willful repression of knowledge...
Interview with Philippe Lamberts, RTBF, 23.12.24

Interview with Philippe Lamberts, RTBF, 23.12.24

© Philippe Lamberts “You have to be deaf, blind and unconscious not to be worried about the state of the world, but what do we do with our worry? Advisor on the transition to a climate-neutral economy Philippe Lamberts served 3 mandates as MEP. Full text in...
The rise of parent led climate movement from care to climate action

The rise of parent led climate movement from care to climate action

In recent years, new social movements advocating climate action have emerged, varying in demographics and tactics. A notable parent-led movement, driven by the moral imperative to care for future generations, offers a unique perspective on climate action. Despite its...