From Myriam Gérard, Grands-Parents pour le Climat, Brussels

This petition was launched on the YouMove Europe platform by Stop Ecocide International. We think it may interest you. 

We can prevent future environmental disasters right now through new EU rules that hold those who destroy our environment on a mass scale accountable. But without national laws that give these ecocide rules teeth we won’t make punishment for environmental crimes a reality across Europe.
Over 30,000 people have already joined this fight for environmental justice and our leaders are starting to listen!
In Belgium, those responsible for mass environmental destruction can now face up to 20 years in prison as well as fines of up to 1.6 million euros.  The dominos are starting to fall in Sweden and Finland with key politicians expressing support for the recognition of ecocide as an international crime.
Momentum is growing to make sure no environmental crimes go unpunished. But we need more people like you to convince our governments across Europe to pass ambitious domestic laws that will truly protect our planet. 

Please add your voice to achieve justice for people and the planet – Sign the petition HERE


Thank you for stepping up, from:
Olga (Warsaw), Rachel (Amsterdam) and the WeMove Europe team

If you want more information, ask Graham from Grands-Parents pour le Climat Belgium: