Paper by Prof. Em. Jan Stel, former EGC co-chair, Professor of Ocean Space and Human Activity

In this paper, Jan Stel places the European elections in a broader context. He argues that these elections are crucial for the future of the EU and its future generations.

So: Vote! And think about your grandchildren’s children by doing this!

The EU is, maybe because of the upcoming elections and the expected tug to the right by populist radical parties, hesitating and losing momentum. Moreover, little attention is given to climate, nature, industrial and agricultural aspects of the Green Deal, during the various election campaigns. Yet, the Spring Eurobarometer of the European Parliament indicates that more than eight in ten Europeans (81%) believe voting is even more important because of the current geopolitical situation. The top issues to be addressed in the coming crucial five years are: poverty reduction (33%), health (32%), support for the economy and jobs creation (both 31%) and climate at 27%.

If you want a just future for your grandchildren’s children in a sustainable world, you should vote for them during the upcoming European elections. You have a unique opportunity!

Read the full paper here.