Mission Statement

Who we are …

  • A European alliance of grandparents and seniors, being climate activists in their countries
  • Self-organized and politically independent
  • Connected to many pro-climate organizations in our home countries

 What drives us …

  • We are seriously worried about the world we are leaving to future generations 
  • We want to support the younger generations in their demand for a sustainable future
  • We understand that solving the effects of our man-made climate crisis needs an international and multilevel effort
  • We realize that social and intergenerational climate justice are crucial aspects in this process

 Our aims are to …

  • Maintain the global temperature rise well below 2.0 °C, preferably below 1.5 °C, compared to pre-industrial levels as agreed in the 2015 Paris Agreement 
  • Promote the implementation of best practice science and technology
  • Promote the implementation of the European Green Deal  
  • Stimulate cooperation between our members by exchanging information, knowledge and strategies, while supporting actions across Europe
  • Push for climate neutrality by 2050 and for climate and intergenerational justice

 We will …

  • Urge politicians, decision makers and industrial leaders, both in the EU and in our home countries, to implement the Paris Agreement, the Green Deal to improve the well-being and health of citizens and future generations 
  • Cooperate with environmental movements in our home countries in order to communicate the urgency of acting now and to initiate new projects tailored to the local situation and local needs
  • Exchange information on climate change insights and successful national or local projects
  • Create motivation for change by bringing hope, empathy, solidarity, and encouragement for our societies, not forgetting the joy of life.